Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Starbuck's first flyball tournament

I'll make this post quick - here's a video from Starbuck's very first flyball tournament:

I was so proud of her. Her very favorite thing to do it chase other dogs so she did a great job of controlling herself. During the last race of the weekend she did loose her mind and went into the other lane twice to run with the GSD but I once I called her she came right back to me. 

Okay - before I go I just wanted to apologize for having the two word verification thingy enabled (thanks to Mamarazzi for letting me know). I had no idea I had set it - but no worries, that sucker is gone now! Thanks for putting up with it! 


  1. We think Starbuck was the best!

    RA, Isis & Nanuk

    1. Why thank you, RA, Isis and Nunuk! I do, too :) There's no doubt that she definitely the cutest one there!

      - Steffi

  2. that is always so amazing-having never done flyball the fact that you guys can train your dogs to focus on doing their job and not running after the other dogs....that is soooo cool. Hummm, where can you change what verification is needed? I have noticed a lot of blogs seem to have changed over night to the two word verification and some of those words are HARD!!!! wha wha

    1. I think for some people it's not so hard, but Starbuck lives to chase! It seems like if I can get her focused on her team dogs running, then she kind of feels like she's chasing them down the lane when it's her turn. One thing I don't like about flyball - is all the poorly trained noisy dogs there! I learned how to keep my dogs quiet when I got some bad looks at my first agility trial. At flyball they seem to think that leaving their dogs in a crate to bark their heads off makes them run faster.... hmmmm.... all my friends who have super fast, drivey have no problem getting their dogs to run super speedy after they've been quietly resting in their crates :)

      About the word verification - on your blogger home page (or dashboard, whatever it's called) click on 'Settings' then click on 'Comments'. You should a section that says 'Show word verification for comments?' and click on 'No'. Took me a while to figure that one out.

      - Steffi

    2. LOL, so it is possible to have quietdogs at flyball? Sometimes it seems so wild at a tournament, LOL. Thanks for the help on the verification thing, gosh those words are getting harder and harder to figure out and there are more and more of them you have to type in on some places, ah they didnt use to make them so hard!

  3. Congrats, Starbuck. You did great! We loved how you just raced over those hurdles with little effort, while the big dogs made huge leaps over them:)

    Woos - Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning

    1. Thank you so much, Phantom, Thunder, Ciara and Lightning! Those big dogs just don't know how to race like a little husky :)

      - Steffi


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